Friday, July 10, 2015

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What does a normal day in Japan look like?

In my humble opinion the word juxtaposition seems to be a word reserved solely for bad travel writing, that is, along with quaint, charming, rustic and the phrases 'hidden gem', 'breathtaking view' and 'infectious buzz'.

It appears that when writing about any place that has any difference at all, it is described as a 'city of contrasts' and a 'true juxtaposition', whatever that means, as opposed to a false one.

Japan epitomises this (not bad travel writing, but juxtaposition). It is possibly the most conformist society in the world. Ordered. Polite. Humble. And rules based.

And yet, I give you the following 15 photographs of things that could occur on any normal day in Japan. As Atsugiri Jason says, and a phrase he has now made famous, I too ask, "Why Japanese people! Why?"

via Pleated Jeans


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